Saturday, 29 June
MVMNT Fitness – GPP
A: Metcon (No Measure)
Teams of (2): Against 4min Clock:
1) AMRAP 4
Cal Row
2) AMRAP 4: IGYGTG: Round:
5 HRPU + 10 Goblet Squat
B: Metcon (No Measure)
Teams of (2): Against 4min Clock:
1) AMRAP 4:
Cal Bike
2) AMRAP 4: IGYGTG: Round:
5 Thruster + 5 Burpee
C: Metcon (No Measure)
Teams of (2): Against 4min Clock:
1) AMRAP 4:
100′ Sled Push
2) AMRAP 4: IGYGTG: Round:
5 Box Step Over + 5 Med Ball (Jumping) Squat
D: Metcon (No Measure)
1 Round: 20:10:
1) Dead Bug
2) Dead Bug + Alt. Hand
3) Dead Bug + Alt. Heel Tap
4) Dead Bug + Heel Tap
5) Dead Bug + Lower Hollow
6) Dead Bug + Upper Hollow
1) Side Plank (R)
2) Bridge (Elbow)
3) Side Plank (L)
4) Plank (Hand)
5) Plank + Alt. Shoulder Tap
6) Plank + Alt. Heel Raise