I Work full time in mental health field. Also part time massage therapist at a fitness studio. Love to be outdoors in the sun, usually on water. Stand up paddle board is my favorite activity, though I’m a slow beginner. I like to mosy along on my board in isolated areas to enjoy wildlife. Weekends I volunteer at local animal shelters because animals mean everything to me. Love to explore old buildings and houses because they have a soul and character that is irreplaceable. My truly free time is spent doing improvements on my own home and never ending landscaping.
I met you at Verdant. I’d been active all my life, but had never been a part of a gym or sports team before. It was I intimidating to enter that place for the first time. It remained intimidating until I began working out when you were instructing. Your coaching was never shaming and always motivating. I felt more comfortable with my body, my abilities, and began to become more curious in what I may be capable of, rather than scared of how I may fail. Believe it or not, that mentality has continued to grow over the 2.5 years since I last saw you.
I would absolutely recommend you to people looking for a trainer, and have done so. You’re accepting, meet people where they are, respect their abilities, and are motivating to get folks to push themselves. You’re kind, down-to-earth, and fun. I hope you open a gym in a location that’s easy for me to access between my work and volunteer schedules.
-Alida Enkko, 46