Monday, 05 Aug (0120)


Monday, 05 Aug (0120)



If (you) are a member a the gym and you know someone who is looking to workout, OR even better, someone who doesn’t have working out on their radar, then send them our way. Just give them my number or ask if you can give his or her number to (Zacq).

We want to grow, not just because growth means we’re thriving, but also because we feel we have something we can use to help some people be a bit more happy(!)

MVMNT Fitness – GPP

For the rest of August we will work to mash out some of the pesky position limitation(s) through these range(s) of motion (ROM) – Squat, Hang from Bar, Overhead, Single Leg (Stability).

Not that we don’t work these things all the time, but now this is the primary focus for the next (6) Weeks – be ready to mobilize and skretch.

A: Metcon (No Measure)

2min Sit in Squat

2min Sit in Squat on Toes

2min Wall Squat

10 Squat Therapy

10 T-Spine Twist R/L

Pay attention to knee(s) and hip(s) discomfort. Understand, we in the business of progression, so (you) don’t have to get it all today.

B1: Front Squat (10-8-6-6-6)

87.5% Rel Int.


B2: Metcon (No Measure)

5 Rounds: NFT:

(#) Front Squat

10 Straight Leg Wt. Sit Up

20 Jumping Lunge/(Wt.) Rev. Lunge

C: Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds: NFT:

12 Chin Ups

15 Ring Row

Max Set Bent Over DB Row

30 Ankle Touches